If you are an avid reader of my blog, (all three of you) you might be wondering what happened to my advertising. Well I amassed a grand total of about $6.00 in advertising revenue, and they don't cut you a check unless you get at least $10.00. So the money wasn't really an issue, but even if my blog was bringing in significant revenue, I would have had to stop the ads after the ad that was up today. In the past, there had been ads that I didn't care for, but today, google crossed the line. Now I know that they just pick keywords, but there should be some sort of context assigned. There was an ad for a Pro-Death website, howmuchtime.org. I really don't know how they get a .org web address, but it is what it is. Anyway, here is a copy of my e-mail to the website, which asks how much prison time a woman should get who gets an abortion.
Your question is; "How much time?" I'd say life. Life in prison for the life she chose to destroy. Life in prison for the doctor who actually carried it out. A woman's right to privacy does not trump the child's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. No person's right to privacy trumps the health and welfare of another. Since you decided to advertise on my blog, you will get an earful from me. 45,000,000 murders in the United States alone, all sanctioned by the radical, left-wing agenda, and allowed to go on by the silent masses. I will be silent no longer! Roe v. Wade will be overturned, or this nation will be torn apart, either from within or by our enemies. Abortion has no place in a moral, civilized society, and every nation that permits it will eventually be torn apart. The question should be; "How much time before God passes His judgment on this nation?"
So maybe you can tell I was a little ticked off. But I feel that unless we overturn abortion, which has taken more lives than Hitler, Pol Pot and Mao Tse Tung combined, just in America, this nation will be torn apart. Now as the election approaches, there is a choice for those who are Pro-Life. While this issue is not the only reason for my McCain vote, it is one reason. Obama's record on abortion is monstrous. But I think it goes to a bigger issue of character. Obama seems to do whatever he wants to gain power. He said he would take public financing, and then he reneged. This may seem like a small thing, but it is just one more little bit of proof that his word means nothing. If his word means nothing, how can we believe him when he says he cares about the middle class. And if he is willing to let a child suffocate or starve to death, who's next? The elderly? The handicapped? If he won't stand up for the innocent, who will he stand up for? When analyzing his past, I foresee an Obama Presidency (I think McCain still has a shot, and stands a good chance of pulling this election out BTW) as leading us down the path to a socialist or fascist state.
I know the useful idiots on the left don't believe this, but Mussolini was a Communist. He used fascism as a means to gain and hold power, and the roots of fascism, in Italy at least, were a leftist brand of fascism. I previously thought that Obama reminded me more of Jimmy Carter and even entered this as my answer to the poll question I had up last week. But I'm starting to think that he is more like Mussolini, and will be the last nail in America's coffin if we don't wake up. The brand of liberalism Obama prescribes to is the type that nearly destroyed Europe. An Obama Government is not likely to be any different, unless he is stopped. Nevertheless, he could be the result of our nation's indifference to abortion. I hope this is not the case, and we wake up soon. It's not too late to end Obama's run. Vote McCain now! McCain is not perfect, or even a real conservative, but Obama is the most radical Presidential candidate in the history of the United States. He needs to be stopped, and so does abortion. Call or e-mail your congressman and tell them to put forward legislation to make abortion illegal. Even if it doesn't get out of committee, it needs to be put forward, before it's too late.
Now this is the kinda post I expect from you..a sm novel.
Next time they tick you off, don't parse your words so much ;)
No doubt BO has a Marxist world view. I'll have much more to say about this when I'm more awake (the time, not your writin).
gn Nestor & co.
Good for you, Nestor! I admire you for taking the time to send a letter, er..email and for contacting your congressman.
I, being me, won't be on this issue, but I won't be voting for Obama either. And actually this will be the first time I'm voting for a pro-life presidential candidate. Never thought I'd see that day, but here it is. That being said, I'm not as worried about Obama as some. I do think a lot of it is right wing spin to make us all afraid of the radical Barack. We'll see....hope I'm right.
While it's true that each side spins the negatives, an Obama presidency is not gonna be a picnic. W/ solid liberal control of congress and many upper court appointments, damage will be done.
Economical growth killin legislation, liberal interpretation of written laws, a weak face militarily, squashin of conservative media (what little there is), and NO FREE CHEESE!
It's gonna bite for a few years.
But, the idea that capitalism is over isn't correct. W/ social security, welfare, medicade, unlevel tax brackets, subsidies, etc..I'd say we've been mixin capitalism amd socialism together here for some time. Really, since FDR, we've been runnin a watered down version of capitalism that will be greatly deluded (more) into the wrong direction w/ BO.
I'm alright agreeing with that. I think the next few years will bite regardless of who wins on Tuesday, tho. And sure, you can say that's true cuz McCain isn't conservative enough, but I don't think anyone can fix what we're in right now. At least not in the first few years of their presidency. It'll be interesting to see what transpires. (Christoff! Cue scary music!)
By the way, Nestor. I tried finding you on facebook, but I could only search under your first name and there's a lot of Nestors!
I'll try to find you. I think I remember your last name from what Reck told me. I should be able to get close enough anyway.
OK there's no picture on the one I found, and the person has one facebook friend. I guess I could send a message in case it's not you.
That was me, but I can't seem to get to a window in FB to get your message. I got it in an email. Try again, cuz there's lotsa yous out there! (150 w/ your name!)
So I did a friend request on the other one that had D and about 4 other friends. So when you log in you should have my friend request there.
Got it, thanks!
What a game!
There will be no joy in Austin nonite.
Hafta admit I was pullin for the Red Raiders in this one.
So who will be #1 now? my prediction is Bama moves to the top spot, Tech 2nd, Penn state stays 3.
I don't know, I think Tech will go to 4, behind Bama, Penn St. and Oklahoma. The question is, does Tech, beat OK St. and Oklahoma. I'm guessing they lose to Oklahoma. If they lose to OK St., and Oklahoma, UT represents the south in the Big 12 Championship and gets back to number two, and plays Penn St. for the Natl. Championship. If UT, Tech, and Oklahoma end up with one loss each, I have no idea how they sort out the tiebreaker.
Bein that Penn St was idle I don't think they'll move; tho they could on rep. Since OU lost to UT and Tech beat em they'll be ranked higher.
And I agree, no way Tech beats OU one the road.
Really likin all the quotes. I'm a quote fan.
It's a big one today, eh? Hope it's special for you! Have a great day!
How do women always know when birthday's are. I can't remember mine half the time.
Anyway, happy birthday Nest.
I'm not sure, but I'm guessin' facebook. See if you join you'll get friendly reminders of everyone's birthdays too!
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