Two years ago, America elected a man with no experience in running anything but a campaign and his mouth. It was a momentous occasion to be sure. It was for many Americans a moment of healing. America had elected the first African-American President. It proved that America is not a racist nation. Sure there are still many racists in America, and work still needs to be done with regards to race, but all in all America proved she is colorblind. What happened though, is that all of President Obama's rhetoric was not backed up with results. When he said that he wanted to change America, most people who voted for him thought he meant change for the better. He promised to fix the economy and his policies have made the economy worse. He promised to fix race relations (which his election proved wasn't that bad) and race relations are now worse. He promised to have a transparent, bipartisan administration. It has been neither.
Liberals also have reason to be angry with him. He promised to close the terrorist prison at Guantanamo Bay, it is fully functioning and I might add, rendition programs have been ramped up. He promised to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has ramped up the war in Afghanistan with very limited success and troops are still in Iraq. Currently, they are in a "support" role. This is an inaccurate description and the only reason it isn't being talked about is the media never tries to destroy a Democratic President on war policy. The President's push for a single-payer health care system has fallen far short of liberal expectations. (even though the American public wanted nothing to do with government health care) His promises of bringing amnesty for illegal aliens and pushing for gay "equality" have fallen short of his promises as well.
I think the reasons for his failures from a liberal perspective are very easy to understand. These liberal agendas are so far outside of what mainstream America wants that it is a tough sell, even for Obama's teleprompters. He did a good job of selling "Hope" and "Change" but Americans do not have hope in his abilities to correct America's economic woes, and his goal of 'fundamentally transforming America' is not what America wanted.
So what do we have two years later? $3 trillion more in debt. New and expanded entitlement programs. 10% unemployment with at least 15% real unemployment. A business community that is scared to death of his economic policies and therefore are sitting on record amounts of capital. Class warfare. And...a new Congress.
President Obama, you had the most lopsided presidential victory in recent history and in two years, your failed policies were responsible for the most lopsided midterm election tidal wave since the 1940s. Republicans now have a 51 seat majority in the House of Representatives. Senate Democrats won only 11 of 37 Senate races. (at the time of this posting, likely to be 12) In short, big government policies got smoked at the ballot box.
However, it wasn't long ago that Republicans had this kind of opportunity...and they screwed it up. Soon to be House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was clear in stating that, "We have to deliver." Yes you do, because the TEA Party is watching you. We are not taking your word for it that you have our best interests at heart. When the White House has a new occupant in two years, we DEFINITELY will be watching. Don't screw this up, or the GOP will be gone, and a new conservative party will rise.
Yes, it was quite the "shellacking" indeed!
Your numbers (House and Senate)put it into perspective; Americans reject progressive policies and ideology.
Carmen, my friend: FYI: I didn't comment (or post) that on my blog.
Didn't notice I was logged in as my wife earlier. I'll repost it.
Keep telling yourself that if it makes you sleep better at night Stan...
I guess, then, my response is slightly different.
Nesty, my friend: FYI: I didn't comment (or post) that on my blog (though I did comment something similar to that on my blog.)
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