31 October 2010

Back in the Saddle

I've been away from writing for a long time. I'll be getting back soon. I think I'll probably throw in some video blogs as well. I'm considering having days when I release certain things, deadlines, etc. Maybe book review Friday, politics Monday, Religion Wednesday or something like that. Anyhow, have a great day. If anyone has any ideas on how to advertise properly, not just using google's adsense, please leave a comment because I'd like to advertise, but I don't like google's random ads.


RecknHavic said...

Word of mouth :)

Nestor said...

Word of mouth is good and effective, especially when it comes to things like cleaning products, skin care and vitamins and gift albums as well. :D Carmen found a great website and the blogger explains exactly what he did to get the success he has. I've been reading that, and I'm putting the foundations in place for that. I'll still post here every now and then until I go live with the new site.

RecknHavic said...

Cool deal. What's the site?

RecknHavic said...

heh heh I did get the Amway joke btw!

Stan Rosenthal said...

Amway's owned by a big right-wing extremist dud, of course Nestor was thinking Amway when he wrote that. As I was thinking when I read it.

Just Another Pyramid Scheme!!!! (parody of Just Another Onionhead by Todd Rundgren)

Nestor said...


Please explain what a "Pyramid Scheme" is Stanley. Oh and look at the structure of the company you work for and see if it doesn't look like a pyramid.

Nestor said...


I don't know yet what the website will be called. I did create a Wordpress site, but I won't be publishing until at least January. I'm going to build a professional site that won't be a hobby...it'll be a living. Once I make a full-time income 10 hours per week from the website, I can devote myself to 20+ hours to my other entrepreneurship venture which is willable. Even though I will be able to make a lot of money writing, there's no guarantee that my kids will have a talent for writing. My other business endeavour is willable 4 generations, estate tax free. So my great-great-grandchildren have that going for them...which is nice.

Linda said...

Good luck, Nestor! You know I'll always be a fan. :)

I miss you around my place..don't forget to stop by for a 'hey' when you have time.

Nestor said...

I did post a comment on your "Time" post. I'll be visiting again more often. I've been so busy lately that I'm usually only on facebook because I can check it from my phone.

RecknHavic said...

Glad to hear you're having success. I never really did (only 2 in my downline after 6 months) so i finally gave up on it.

Nestor said...

Well, with the new business model, it doesn't take that many people to make money anymore. It used to take 75 to 100 to make $3000 per month, now people are doing it with 10-15. I like that we can be very selective about who we pick for our team since they will be around my wife and kids, because we don't need bodies, we need honest, hardworking people who are ambitious. You can be in the $150,000+ range with 100 people, plus, using the new business model, everyone makes money, even the person who just got in.

Stan Rosenthal said...

Nestor -
> Stan, Please explain what a "Pyramid Scheme" is ...

I suggest going to http://www.google.com/ and search 4 "pyramid scheme".

Sorry I didn't respond to this earlier (or maybe I did, but it didn't make it through "MODERATION"????), I guess I missed seeing it.

Nestor said...


I know what a Pyramid Scheme is. Most people don't understand the difference between an organization or business with a structure that resembles a Pyramid (which is almost every organization or business) and and ILLEGAL Pyramid. The DoD is a Pyramid. Dell computers is a Pyramid. Microsoft is a Pyramid, so is Exxon, Whole Foods, etc. What makes an illegal pyramid illegal is that there are no products or services exchanged for money. With AmWay, you give them your money and in return you get a product or a service. At the very worst it's like Wal-Mart, but with products that do what they say they'll do.