02 July 2010

Double-Dip Recession

I keep hearing about this "Double-Dip Recession." Here are my thoughts on it. If there is actual growth going on in America right now, we will go back into another recession starting in January. I don't believe the "growth" we have seen over the last few months is so much true growth as much as the wealthy and corporations trying to spend money now before oppressive taxes return next year. Couple that with an economy that has lost millions of jobs over the past two years, a stock market that was cut by 40% (I'll admit that the stock market was probably a little overinflated before the crash) and runaway spending from an Administration and Congress that was so infuriated by the last Administration's spending spree.

The Democrats who control the White House and Congress are so worried about what George Bush did, that they are not leading. The reason why many moderates and independents voted for President Obama is that they saw someone whom they believed to be a leader. They were wrong. President Obama has failed to lead our nation in anything except apologizing for our former greatness.

If President Obama truly wants to help Americans, here is what he'll do. Extend the Bush tax cuts for ten more years. If he does this alone, it will bolster the economy because corporations and the wealthy will feel that they can safely invest their money without being raped by the IRS. This will lead to job growth on it's own. If he TRULY wants to bring us out of this recession (or depression) he will add more cuts in addition to those cuts and couple that with a real commitment to reducing Federal spending. Here's a tip; cutting Federal spending does not mean cutting the military, police or firefighters. It does mean not funding abortion in foreign countries and funding things like pickle research and other immoral and wasteful spending.

He also needs to secure the border. Mr. President, the overwhelming majority of Americans, and a significant number of Hispanics, like me, stand with Arizona in its attempt to enforce Federal Immigration Law. Arizona is trying to protect its citizens, and since you won't do your job, Jan Brewer has to do it for you.

I'll close with this. Support our troops. Not with words, but with action. End the insane rules of engagement. Allow our military to use its full might to quickly end the wars and bring our troops home victorious. Neither President Bush nor yourself have had the guts to fight the wars the way we should be fighting them. If you change that, you'll earn the respect of the troops and the American people.

There are many more things you SHOULD do, but if you did these, America would make a turn for the better and the people would love you. But you're too much of an ideologue for that aren't you? Please Mr. President, stop reacting and lead.


RecknHavic said...

I doubt we'll hit a dbl-dip, however: expanding govt spending, increasing taxation, indecisiveness and hostility to the private sector do nothing to promote our economy.

Employment will increase when American's know if the govt will leave us alone to prosper. As it stands, there's too much of a risk of govt regs and increased tax burdens to do much hiring.

RecknHavic said...

I was just reading an article about increased govt spending and apparently we (our fiscally responsible legislature) ran up 165 billion (w/ a B) of debt in ONE day on June 30th.

Linda said...

Like the new layout, Nestor!!

Nestor said...

Thanks Linda!

Nestor said...


Is that every day, or was it especially bad on that day?

RecknHavic said...

It was specifically that day.

Stan Rosenthal said...

How much did former President George "DWI" Bush increase government spending when he decided to invade Iraq (for not good reason, BTW.)?

Nestor said...


The increase in government from the invasion of Iraq, which was beneficial, (I've covered this and don't feel like reexplaining it now) was a negligible increase in government which was within constitutional powers and within "original intent" of the framers vision for the constitution. See: Thomas Jefferson sending US Marines vs. Barbary Pirates. Where Bush was wrong, was the expansion of Medicare Part D and the creation of the massive bureaucracy that is the Department of Homeland Security. (which for some reason doesn't involve protecting our borders)

Stan Rosenthal said...

Nestor -
> The increase in government ..., which was beneficial, ...

How much did that "beneficial" (LOL!!!!) spending increase the deficit?