This was my response that probably won't appear on the CNN Political Ticker. Some of the comments were trying to insinuate that Republicans are 'using' Bobby Jindal because he is of Indian descent. Or that they feel like Republicans won't vote for him because of Indian descent. Really? A whole lot of people in Louisiana voted for him. That's DEEP SOUTH if you ask me. It really irritates me that Democrats are quick to call Republicans racist, but like to forget about the real history of race relations and the two major political parties in America. The Democrat Party is the party that has persecuted minorities throughout it's history. The Republican Party has been the party of advancing the cause of minorities.
Now, the Democrats have tried to flip this on its head, yet they still do everything they can to keep minorities down. They talk about being 'for' minorities, but want to keep them in the projects longer. They want minorities to stay on welfare longer. They want to raise taxes on businesses so that there are less jobs. Democrats continue to perpetuate this state of helplessness of minorities. They say to Blacks and Hispanics; "You can't get ahead because the White Man and the Republicans are keeping you down. But don't worry, we'll get more money for you. We'll raise taxes on those evil rich people." (the people who create jobs) Republicans say: "We'll keep taxes low so that there are more jobs available, and if you work hard, you'll be able to move into the next tax bracket. Then, when you're in the next tax bracket, you won't be paying as much in taxes. You can keep more of your own money!" The Republican Party is the party that says; "It doesn't matter what your skin color is, if you work hard, you can be successful." The Democrats say: "You don't have to work hard or be successful. We'll tax the snot out of those who are successful and give it to you."
The following is the contents of my post at the Political Ticker:
It's amazing that conservatives are always seen as racist. Conservatives don't bring up race, liberals do. Why are conservatives excited about Bobby Jindal? Because he's of Indian descent? NO! It's because he's a conservative. At 37, he has 10 times the experience of Barack Obama, he's charismatic and stands for what he believes in unlike the flip-floppers on the left. People are irritated that Jindal, Rick Perry, Haley Barbour and Mark Sanford are going to refuse the unemployment provision in the "stimulus" bill. They have chosen States Rights. They are not selling the souls of their states to the Federal Government. If the states accept the unemployment provision in the stimulus, it is a short term help from the Federal Government with the mandate that they continue to extended increased levels of unemployment insurance long after the Federal money has dried up. So essentially it is a tax increase on the taxpayers and businesses of any state that accepts the funds. Watch corporations move to the states that decline this money, and continue to flee from states like KaliFORnea, and Michigan that think the answer to their problems is raising taxes on the increasingly shrinking number of businesses and workforce.
OK they actually did print my comment this time. They usually don't.
I saw that. You actually had some company on that thread. entire family is now blurting out for no good reason "I did it. I'm Frost." Thanks for that.
I'm not a crook. OK, I admit it, I am a crook.
Lol! If you ever rent that movie you're gonna flashback to Chad and just laugh.
I don't get it, Nestor. Y (if CNN is the so-called "liberal media") would CNN not post your comments????
I mean, I find that on my blog, when I allow your to comment that it makes my case.
Linda -
> I saw that.
Anyone care to post a link to Nestor's "inciteful" comments???? ;-)
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