14 February 2009

48 Hours

The most transparent administration in history. RIIIIIGGGHHHTTT! Just like San Fran Nan runs the most ethical congress in history. I'll quote Stanley Rosenthal, quoting someone else here. "What's black is white, what's up is down..." and so on and so forth. The Democrats live in backwardsville, where they mean the opposite of whatever they say, except on the rare occasions where they mean what they say, which is usually a flip-flop to cover up for something they didn't see, but might want to fix, if the polls say they should, unless of course it promotes, or goes against their far-left doctrine. (Confused? Me too.)


RecknHavic said...


Boneheadyer & the repubs didn't seem to anxious to share the details of the spendin put forth when they were in power.

"Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss"
-Won't Get Fooled Again by The Who

Nestor said...


How did you get Reck's password?

Stan Rosenthal said...

Reck, that's a great obvservation. But which boss came first???? The chicken (Bush) or the egg (Obama)????

Nestor -
> Stan, How did you get Reck's password?

Straw man.