Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. (1 Peter 3:15b) Five parts Rican, Four parts Irish and one part who knows what, yet somehow: ALL-AMERICAN!
30 October 2008
Your question is; "How much time?" I'd say life. Life in prison for the life she chose to destroy. Life in prison for the doctor who actually carried it out. A woman's right to privacy does not trump the child's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. No person's right to privacy trumps the health and welfare of another. Since you decided to advertise on my blog, you will get an earful from me. 45,000,000 murders in the United States alone, all sanctioned by the radical, left-wing agenda, and allowed to go on by the silent masses. I will be silent no longer! Roe v. Wade will be overturned, or this nation will be torn apart, either from within or by our enemies. Abortion has no place in a moral, civilized society, and every nation that permits it will eventually be torn apart. The question should be; "How much time before God passes His judgment on this nation?"
So maybe you can tell I was a little ticked off. But I feel that unless we overturn abortion, which has taken more lives than Hitler, Pol Pot and Mao Tse Tung combined, just in America, this nation will be torn apart. Now as the election approaches, there is a choice for those who are Pro-Life. While this issue is not the only reason for my McCain vote, it is one reason. Obama's record on abortion is monstrous. But I think it goes to a bigger issue of character. Obama seems to do whatever he wants to gain power. He said he would take public financing, and then he reneged. This may seem like a small thing, but it is just one more little bit of proof that his word means nothing. If his word means nothing, how can we believe him when he says he cares about the middle class. And if he is willing to let a child suffocate or starve to death, who's next? The elderly? The handicapped? If he won't stand up for the innocent, who will he stand up for? When analyzing his past, I foresee an Obama Presidency (I think McCain still has a shot, and stands a good chance of pulling this election out BTW) as leading us down the path to a socialist or fascist state.
I know the useful idiots on the left don't believe this, but Mussolini was a Communist. He used fascism as a means to gain and hold power, and the roots of fascism, in Italy at least, were a leftist brand of fascism. I previously thought that Obama reminded me more of Jimmy Carter and even entered this as my answer to the poll question I had up last week. But I'm starting to think that he is more like Mussolini, and will be the last nail in America's coffin if we don't wake up. The brand of liberalism Obama prescribes to is the type that nearly destroyed Europe. An Obama Government is not likely to be any different, unless he is stopped. Nevertheless, he could be the result of our nation's indifference to abortion. I hope this is not the case, and we wake up soon. It's not too late to end Obama's run. Vote McCain now! McCain is not perfect, or even a real conservative, but Obama is the most radical Presidential candidate in the history of the United States. He needs to be stopped, and so does abortion. Call or e-mail your congressman and tell them to put forward legislation to make abortion illegal. Even if it doesn't get out of committee, it needs to be put forward, before it's too late.
28 October 2008
Redistribution of Wealth
"Ask not what uh, er, you can do for your uh, country. Uh, Ask what does my uh, government, owe ME?"
Joe Biden puts his foot in his mouth...again.
Senator Obama, speaking to Joe (the plumber) Wurzelbacher:
OBAMA: It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they have got a chance at success, too. I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody.
Senator Biden, speaking to Barbara West at WFTV News:
WEST: You may recognize this famous quote: From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. That's from Karl Marx. How is Senator Obama not being a Marxist if he intends to spread the wealth around?
BIDEN: Are you joking? Is this a joke?
BIDEN: Or is that a real question?
WEST: That's a question.
BIDEN: He is not spreading the wealth around. He is talking about giving the middle class an opportunity to get back the tax breaks they used to have.
Eh? Senator Biden, anyone in the nation who is paying attention to this election heard Obama tell Joe the plumber that an Obama Administration would 'spread the wealth around'. Where have you been? I know your foot is almost permanently placed in your mouth, but, MY GOODNESS! You are either a liar, an idiot or ignorant. In the position you are running for, I don't know which is worse, but none of the above would be good for America.
Just a fact check for Joe Biden. The Bush Administration gave EVERY American a tax break. Senator Obama will allow the Bush tax cuts to expire, which will be a tax increase for every American family making over $25,000. But Obama's not going to raise taxes....riiiiggghtttt.
27 October 2008
Jindal '12
1. The son of immigrants from India's Punjab state, Jindal made history when he became the first U.S. governor with roots in India.
2. Born Piyush Jindal in Baton Rouge in 1971, he gave himself the nickname Bobby—after the youngest son on The Brady Bunch—when he was 4.
3. Raised a Hindu, Jindal converted to Catholicism as a teenager. As a young convert, he wrote of the emotional and intellectual struggles of his spiritual journey in several articles that were published in the New Oxford Review, a Catholic magazine.
4. Jindal graduated from Baton Rouge High School in 1987. He attended Brown University, graduating with honors in biology and public policy. He turned down admissions to medical and law schools at Harvard and Yale to attend Oxford University as a Rhodes scholar.
5. While attending Oxford, Jindal contemplated joining the priesthood. He ultimately decided that it was not for him.
6. In 2006, Jindal and his wife, Supriya, delivered their third child at home. Barely able to call 911 before the delivery, Jindal received a nurse's coaching by phone. Just as he was completing the umbilical cord procedure with a shoestring, paramedics arrived. The Jindals have a daughter and two sons.
7. Before he turned 30, Jindal headed Louisiana's Department of Health and Hospitals and became president of the University of Louisiana System. He served in the Department of Health and Human Services under President George W. Bush and was executive director of the National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare in the late '90s. Prior to public service, Jindal worked for the consulting firm McKinsey & Co.
8. In 2003, Gov. Mike Foster, who was finishing his second consecutive term and therefore could not run again, encouraged Jindal to run for governor. Defeated by Democrat Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, Jindal's first bid for governor was unsuccessful.
9. In 2004, he sought the congressional seat from Louisiana's First District. He won with a whopping 78 percent of the vote and was re-elected in 2006 with almost 90 percent.
10. In 2007, Jindal ran for governor again and won. The victory was largely attributed to old-fashioned politicking, which included Jindal "giving testimony" in Pentecostal and Baptist churches in rural and remote sections of Louisiana.
While Sarah Palin DOES have more executive experience than Obama, McCain and Biden combined, so does Bobby Jindal. He has legislative experience and a little executive experience. But he has such a broad scope of experience that it would be hard for him to be attacked by the likes of the liberals who are attacking Sarah Palin currently. But perhaps it is destined to be. Some have said that we needed Jimmy Carter to get Ronald Reagan. Maybe we need Barack Hussein Obama to get the next great conservative, Bobby Jindal.
16 October 2008
Congratulations 'My Friend'
Congratulations my friend. You did well in the debate, last night. I think you finally won outright. I think, substance wise you have been winning, but you have come across as robotic, cantankerous, and choppy and have said, 'my friends' far too often. Last night, you articulated your points better, taking Senator Obama to task on many occasions. Probably not enough for my liking, but probably as much as the debate format would allow. There are still people out there who do not yet understand that Senator Obama is the second coming of Jimmy Carter, or even worse, Benito Mussolini. His desire to socialize everything is plain wrong and un-American.
Senator McCain, you said last night that you are a Federalist. This was a profound statement. Stating the differences between Federalism and Socialism could win you the election. The federal government has grown too big for its britches, (much like many of the American People) and has exceeded its constitutional mandate. We need to get it in check. Please go back in the direction of true constitutional government, and draw the line between yourself and Senator Obama on these issues. As much as the American people should be shocked and appalled by Obama's connections with William Ayers, Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan and Raila Odinga, they, for some reason do not care. But I believe that Americans do believe in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, they just don't know what the documents say. These two documents along with the Magna Carta are probably the greatest documents in the history of the world with the only exception being the Holy Bible. People respect these documents, tell them what was written 225 years ago, how you will uphold these documents, and how Senator Obama will not.