08 September 2010

Quran burning

Anderson Cooper takes an interesting position here. Is this his position on the release of classified documents? Is this his position on Guantanamo Bay? The families of 2800 Americans killed due to the attacks by Radical Muslims are overwhelmingly against the "Ground Zero" Mosque, yet the MSM backs that up as a first amendment right. Cooper's assertion that if one American soldier is killed by this Quran burning it is somehow immoral. 2800 Americans were killed in the WTC attacks, but the mosque there is moral? Both the mosque and the Quran burnings are protected by the first amendment and when journalists release classified information, they hide behind the first amendment as well. Are journalists somehow morally superior to churches? If so, then according to the actions (or inactions) of the media is Islam > Media > Christianity? If someone could explain this I'd love to hear it.

Personally, I think it's not a good idea for Terry Jones' Church to burn Qurans. I also think it's a bad idea for the Ground Zero Mosque to be built at a location where landing gear fell. However, it is reprehensible that a Media Outlet which blasts classified information all over the world would be upset that a church exercising its first amendment rights could be responsible for the death of American Soldiers when CNN has blood on its hands. Wash the blood off of your hands CNN. The finger you're pointing at Terry Jones is stained red.