This video from a recent Glenn Beck Show talks about two of Obama's advisers, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel (Rahm's brother) who is a health policy advisor in the Obama administration and Cass Sunstein who is Obama's regulatory czar. From the statements of Dr. Emanuel and Mr. Sunstein, it is clear that they believe in a Darwinist/Eugenics style approach to the rationing of healthcare. I have read other writings of Sunstein which show heavy influence of Marxist thought as applied to taxes. In an Op-Ed, Mr. Sunstein wrote about how taxes are essentially owed to the Government, and property owners owe the Government more than those who don't own property. These are some of the men who have the ear of the President. How can we keep saying that the President may have some bad friends (William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Tony Rezko, Louis Gates, Charles Ogletree, Cornel West, James Cone, Rahm Emanuel, Ezekiel Emanuel, Cass Sunstein etc, etc.) but he's a great guy himself? He may have distanced himself from Wright, but he continues to be surrounded by radicals. He is, plain and simple, a Marxist. I can only hope that enough people wake up to this fact by the November 2010 elections and I hope that the nation hasn't been totally rocked from its foundations by that time.