Glenn Beck, in an interview with David Freddoso, author of "The Case Against Barack Obama" asked Freddosso about Obama's tax plans, which are constantly changing by the way. Here is a copy of the transcript of the interview.
GLENN: David, can we start with the economy with Barack Obama and the difference of what Barack Obama sees in the economy. How is he different than the politics of old as he calls them, the politics of failed policy?
FREDDOSO: Well, I would say and thanks for having me again, Glenn.
GLENN: Sure.
FREDDOSO: I would say that he, on economics he has rose from a typical populist anti free trade sort of position in a higher tax position that pretty much ignores the incentives involved in government tax policy. As you know, when you raise marginal tax rates, you are basically making it more difficult for small businesses. You are creating extra expenses for them and that means that wages tend to go up more slowly and perhaps even people get laid off if you have a major shift upward in the upper marginal rates. Because the people who hire other people are the ones making the large income. That is part of Obama's tax policy is to raise the top marginal rates.
GLENN: Okay, now wait a minute. Hang on just a second.
GLENN: A lot of people don't understand, and I know you just explained. A lot of people don't understand that this is bad. Have you and I know this is past when your book came out but can you document here at all on how Barack Obama has changed his position?
GLENN: on that top marginal rate.
FREDDOSO: Well, you know, he even he went on Stephanopoulos just a couple of weekends ago and when asked about if we go into a recession, would you raise taxes and his answer was, well, maybe not if we go into a recession. So he's already implying here that he understands raising taxes hurts people but he is willing to do it anyway as long as we're not in a recession already.
GLENN: And he's doing it for a reason of what he calls basic fairness.
GLENN: Do you remember when he was go ahead.
FREDDOSO: Of course, you are referring to when he was asked by Charlie Gibson, I believe, about the capital gains tax, and he wants to raise the capital gains tax. He said he wants it to go up to maybe 28%. Right now it's 15%. When you raise the capital gains tax, historically revenues go down because people engage in fewer transactions when the marginal when the capital gains rate is high. So in fact, every time that rate has been cut, the government revenues have increased and so Charlie Gibson asked him, well, if raising this tax doesn't actually raise more money for the government, why are you going to do it. And Obama's answer was fairness. So now we have a government I mean, and this is you could say this is a great indicator of socialism. You have the government trying to make the economy more fair by hurting some people and not helping the others. It's a kind of laughable situation you could say.
So essentially, Obama knows that raising taxes is bad for the economy. It doesn't bring more revenues, it doesn't create jobs. Raising taxes lowers revenues if anything. It also is a surefire way to lose jobs. If you raise taxes on small business, small business owners will lay people off, making more people dependent on the government, yet the government will have less money to take care of the additional people who need government assistance. So Obama wants to hurt the rich, (of which he is a member) without helping the poor all in the name of 'fairness'. I suppose it's fair if he screws everybody. (except the Marxists, I'm sure his plans include tax breaks for the Marxists) I thought Obama's supporters were the 'educated' class in America. I'm not sure what kind of education his supporters have, but it must not have included research.
Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. (1 Peter 3:15b) Five parts Rican, Four parts Irish and one part who knows what, yet somehow: ALL-AMERICAN!
19 September 2008
15 September 2008
Born Alive Truth
I've heard about Obama's 'work' in the Illinois legislature where he stopped a bill from coming out of committee that would have ended the disgusting practice of infanticide. I believe all abortions are infanticide, however Obama opposed providing care even to children born ALIVE due to failed abortions. Even the Pro-Abortion group NARAL did not oppose this legislation, either the Illinois bill or the Federal Bill, which were virtually identical.
I've only just today found out about this website There is a video on the website with ads that will be running. I also have posted a video here from the O'Reilly Factor in 2000 with Jill Stanek, who has spearheaded this fight to give rights to those who need it most, to those who can't fight for themselves; victims of failed abortions and subsequent suffocation due to indifference and political posturing from people like Barack Obama.
If you call yourself a Christian and you plan on voting for Obama, think again. He is not a Christian! No Christian could possibly allow children born alive to suffocate for hours until they die! If you vote for Obama, this is the tip of the iceberg. I'll leave his radical socialist and communist policies for other posts. This issue is too important and crucial to just leave alone. People need to know how far he is willing to go to gain, and keep power; even to abandoning infants, leaving the to die like an insect. If this were done to a dog or a cat, it would be a felony, but apparently a human life isn't as valuable to a certain Senator from Illinois.
This video was from before the bill was kept from a vote in Illinois, and before the Federal Law passed. Obama would not allow the Induced Infant Liability Act (the Illinois bill), which would protect children born due to failed abortions, out of his committee. When babies are born alive, (due to these failed late-term abortions) they are left to die. Senator Obama is lying about his record on this, and Christians who are considering voting for him better wake up! Obama does not answer tough questions directly. He stutters and stumbles around, talks for a few minutes and never answers the question. He has no convictions! You may disagree with John McCain. I do on many issues. But McCain knows what he believes, and he has convictions. Obama is not as forthcoming; hiding his motives behind empty rhetoric in his slick speeches and stuttering ramblings during face-to-face interviews. If he is willing to sit idly by and watch an infant die a death of suffocation, left alone like a piece of trash, what makes anyone think he really cares about the middle class and the poor? He doesn't. Here is one of MANY articles which show his disdain for human life, and gives more details of his despicable actions in the Illinois Legislature.
I've only just today found out about this website There is a video on the website with ads that will be running. I also have posted a video here from the O'Reilly Factor in 2000 with Jill Stanek, who has spearheaded this fight to give rights to those who need it most, to those who can't fight for themselves; victims of failed abortions and subsequent suffocation due to indifference and political posturing from people like Barack Obama.
If you call yourself a Christian and you plan on voting for Obama, think again. He is not a Christian! No Christian could possibly allow children born alive to suffocate for hours until they die! If you vote for Obama, this is the tip of the iceberg. I'll leave his radical socialist and communist policies for other posts. This issue is too important and crucial to just leave alone. People need to know how far he is willing to go to gain, and keep power; even to abandoning infants, leaving the to die like an insect. If this were done to a dog or a cat, it would be a felony, but apparently a human life isn't as valuable to a certain Senator from Illinois.
This video was from before the bill was kept from a vote in Illinois, and before the Federal Law passed. Obama would not allow the Induced Infant Liability Act (the Illinois bill), which would protect children born due to failed abortions, out of his committee. When babies are born alive, (due to these failed late-term abortions) they are left to die. Senator Obama is lying about his record on this, and Christians who are considering voting for him better wake up! Obama does not answer tough questions directly. He stutters and stumbles around, talks for a few minutes and never answers the question. He has no convictions! You may disagree with John McCain. I do on many issues. But McCain knows what he believes, and he has convictions. Obama is not as forthcoming; hiding his motives behind empty rhetoric in his slick speeches and stuttering ramblings during face-to-face interviews. If he is willing to sit idly by and watch an infant die a death of suffocation, left alone like a piece of trash, what makes anyone think he really cares about the middle class and the poor? He doesn't. Here is one of MANY articles which show his disdain for human life, and gives more details of his despicable actions in the Illinois Legislature.
11 September 2008
New York: Day Six
You may be thinking; "What happened to Days 3, 4 and 5?" Well be patient grasshopper, they'll be coming soon. But on today, September 11th I felt that I needed to post this. I didn't know if we'd get to go to ground zero, but the night before we left, we had an opportunity to go. We went with with Carmen's sister and her husband. He works for a construction company so he had some cool insight into the crane incidents and he had worked on a few projects near the ground zero. The last time I went to New York, over 7 years ago, the towers were still standing, and I even got a good look at them as my plane flew into JFK from Seattle over Giants Stadium and lower Manhattan. I had no idea that would be the last time I'd see them that close. On that trip 7 years ago, besides my flight, I would only see the towers from the Whitestone Bridge.
The picture to the left is the 'progress that has been made so far. It's pretty pathetic if you ask me. But the politicization of the process of selecting a memorial and a new design for the freedom tower have apparently bogged down construction significantly. Hopefully they will have it finished by the 10th anniversary as Mayor Bloomberg is pushing for. We'll see.
The pictures at the top are on the fire station next to ground zero. It was a pretty impressive memorial and the pictures don't do it justice. As a side note, I think all the firefighters at the station were Irish because they talked like the policeman at the zoo in 'Lady and the Tramp'.
After we left, we went to the South Street Seaport and took some pictures of the Brooklyn Bridge (which didn't come out) and the waterfalls around the city which they have temporarily put up. It was pretty cool. The day was generally a cool day. We pretty much relaxed that day and hung out before we went to Manhattan. I may go into more detail about that later, but I really wanted to get something up today, before I go to work.
06 September 2008
New York: Day Two
Day two started off slower than I'd have liked. We were up a little late, but of course we stayed out late the night before. We finally got going and headed to the subway to take the train to the Museum of Natural History. We got to the museum which I didn't realize had it's own entrance from the subway, gave our donation (which was significantly less than the suggested donation) and began looking around. We saw the Earth science section which unfortunately had its own section designed by an Al Gore acolyte, but had some really cool stuff otherwise. As Carmen and I were talking about it, some people were giving us strange looks. Oh well, liberals.
Next we went to the North American Mammals exhibit which had some impressive displays of caribou, moose, bears, mountain lions and any other wild animal you can think of in North America. The detail was fantastic, and having not been there since I was a kid it was a great experience seeing it again.
We also went to see the sea creatures, African Mammals and Dinosaur exhibits, and they were all done in spectacular fashion. About half-way through our museum tour we went outside to get some lunch and we had more hot dogs, again good, but no crunch and a pretzel and went across the street to the shade of Central Park. From there, and upon going back into the museum I got these pictures.
One of the TR quotes in the entrance hall didn't come out, but I love all of the quotes. I especially like the endings.
I'll write them out here. In speaking of manhood TR said: "Only those are fit to live who do not fear to die, and none are fit to die who have shrunk from the joy of life and the duty of life."
In speaking of the State TR said: "If I must choose between righteousness and peace, I choose righteousness."
On Nature he said: "Conservation means development as much as it does protection."
On Youth (the picture didn't come out right) he said: "Character in the long run is the deciding factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike."
After we left the museum we were waiting for Carmen's sister to come pick us up. Carmen hadn't seen her in about 12 years and even though they didn't grow up together, they have a lot in common. We hung out in Central Park until she got there, and we lied in the grass, (which you can't do most places in Texas right now) and watched the kids play.
After her sister picked us up, we made the drive out to Yonkers and hung out at their apartment for the afternoon. Isabella and her cousin Andrew hit it off and we talked to Carmen's sister and her husband for awhile. We took the kids to the playground down the street and hung out for awhile. Eventually we had to leave because they were going to Pennsylvania the next day and we had yet another busy day lined up. I paid excellent attention to the route Sasha (he's Russian) took back to Queens and we talked for awhile while Carmen and the kids watched a movie in the back of their 'fancy van'. The way to get to the part of Queens where Carmen's mom lives is different from
the parts of Queens I used to go to, and we were going to Connecticut the next day. But we finally got back home, went to bed and were getting ready for day three.
Reagan Redivivus???
I don't know, I'm still not sold on Sarah Palin. I think conservatives are treating her almost like liberals are treating Obama. She is not being scrutinized enough. It's not enough to feel good about a candidate, we have to also make sure that what we are being fed by the media is accurate.
There's no question that the left is on a mission to destroy her, but conservatives are on a mission to paint her as Reagan Redivivus. I really don't know about her. She's not terribly experienced. I admit that she has more executive experience, which is what counts at this point, than Obama, McCain and Biden combined. I don't know that that's saying much though.
Now getting to the issue of family. I know that every Republican is staying away from this subject but I can not, because it does give a glimpse into her character, if even a small one. I believe that the most important relationship outside of the relationship with God is with your spouse, and then with your children. I also know that kids will be kids, and kids will be rebellious, but I'm not sure about this situation. In talking about Jamie Lynn Spears, the tool Bill O'Reilly classically said it's the parents fault. (hattip to lafin gas over at TBSN) Now certainly there is a much different dynamic in the Spears family than the Palin's. But shouldn't we even question it? Why is this getting a pass? Imagine if Chelsea Clinton turned up pregnant during Bill Clinton's time in office. There would have been a media firestorm.
I'm not saying that she's necessarily a bad choice, she could turn out to be a great choice. But I'm not sold yet. I don't get how people like James Dobson are not even questioning her on this. Now, because we're talking about a conservative candidate, teenage pregnancy is a 'family' issue. If it was a liberal though, the same people would be questioning the parenting and family values in that home, and say how it's a reflection of society in general. Family values in America have been thrown out the window and have been trampled and stomped on. The Spears' family is probably part of the problem, and certainly a reflection of the problem. But, the overall lack of parenting in America is primarily to blame.
We let daycare, schools and TV raise our kids nowadays. What they see as normal is the rot that comes in through the TV. Even if you raise your kids properly, if they go to school, they are still subjected to that filth by the kids whose parents don't care. The vast majority of schools are not helping. They either are contributing to the problem by not teaching kids critical thinking skills or they are indoctrinating kids into liberalism outright.
Back to Sarah Palin. I believe that she is a mother who truly cares about her kids and wants the best for her kids. But I do wonder if her parental choices would be getting a pass from conservatives if she was a Democrat. Are 'values voters' really convinced that her parenting is what it should be, or has the full-frontal assault by conservative pundits and commentators guilting conservatives into believing that she's the real deal? I don't mean to bash her, but there are serious problems that are visible. Our culture has devolved to the point that you are a hate-monger for asking serious questions. I know that there is no perfect candidate, and in this election cycle there were certainly fewer decent ones than usual, but my question is this: Should we be looking into her personal life for insight into what kind of Vice President she will be? I say yes. Rudy Giuliani's failed marriages have been brought into question and no one complained about that. As have Fred Thompson's and John McCain's. While I don't think her family situation should disqualify her, I think it should be debated. Debate is not bad. Questioning is not bad. It should either refine the candidate and make them better or show them to be unqualified. Either way, it is better for America.
There's no question that the left is on a mission to destroy her, but conservatives are on a mission to paint her as Reagan Redivivus. I really don't know about her. She's not terribly experienced. I admit that she has more executive experience, which is what counts at this point, than Obama, McCain and Biden combined. I don't know that that's saying much though.
Now getting to the issue of family. I know that every Republican is staying away from this subject but I can not, because it does give a glimpse into her character, if even a small one. I believe that the most important relationship outside of the relationship with God is with your spouse, and then with your children. I also know that kids will be kids, and kids will be rebellious, but I'm not sure about this situation. In talking about Jamie Lynn Spears, the tool Bill O'Reilly classically said it's the parents fault. (hattip to lafin gas over at TBSN) Now certainly there is a much different dynamic in the Spears family than the Palin's. But shouldn't we even question it? Why is this getting a pass? Imagine if Chelsea Clinton turned up pregnant during Bill Clinton's time in office. There would have been a media firestorm.
I'm not saying that she's necessarily a bad choice, she could turn out to be a great choice. But I'm not sold yet. I don't get how people like James Dobson are not even questioning her on this. Now, because we're talking about a conservative candidate, teenage pregnancy is a 'family' issue. If it was a liberal though, the same people would be questioning the parenting and family values in that home, and say how it's a reflection of society in general. Family values in America have been thrown out the window and have been trampled and stomped on. The Spears' family is probably part of the problem, and certainly a reflection of the problem. But, the overall lack of parenting in America is primarily to blame.
We let daycare, schools and TV raise our kids nowadays. What they see as normal is the rot that comes in through the TV. Even if you raise your kids properly, if they go to school, they are still subjected to that filth by the kids whose parents don't care. The vast majority of schools are not helping. They either are contributing to the problem by not teaching kids critical thinking skills or they are indoctrinating kids into liberalism outright.
Back to Sarah Palin. I believe that she is a mother who truly cares about her kids and wants the best for her kids. But I do wonder if her parental choices would be getting a pass from conservatives if she was a Democrat. Are 'values voters' really convinced that her parenting is what it should be, or has the full-frontal assault by conservative pundits and commentators guilting conservatives into believing that she's the real deal? I don't mean to bash her, but there are serious problems that are visible. Our culture has devolved to the point that you are a hate-monger for asking serious questions. I know that there is no perfect candidate, and in this election cycle there were certainly fewer decent ones than usual, but my question is this: Should we be looking into her personal life for insight into what kind of Vice President she will be? I say yes. Rudy Giuliani's failed marriages have been brought into question and no one complained about that. As have Fred Thompson's and John McCain's. While I don't think her family situation should disqualify her, I think it should be debated. Debate is not bad. Questioning is not bad. It should either refine the candidate and make them better or show them to be unqualified. Either way, it is better for America.
05 September 2008
New York: Day One
Day one started at midnight. I worked the evening before we left and when I got home, it was time to pack, get about 3 hours sleep and head to the airport. The flight was smooth except the landing was rougher than I'm used to, but all in all, pretty good. We were waiting for awhile after we landed, because my mother in law was at the wrong terminal to pick us up. If anyone has ever been to JFK, you may know that it is a labyrinth and an airport that was designed a long time ago, struggling to make it into the 21st century as the busiest airport in the most important city in the world. Anyway, she finally found us, we went to her place, had lunch, got settled in and I took a nap as Carmen took the kids for a walk around the old neighborhood. Awwww Yeahhhh! Hollis Son! (Insert RunDMC song here)
That night we went on a date to a raw food restaurant. The prices were high, but I attribute that partly to the cost of the ingredients and partly to the fact that the restaurant is in a trendy neighborhood in Manhattan. The food was incredible and quite honestly worth every penny. If you're ever in Manhattan and want to try excellent food, go to Pure Food and Wine. After that, we decided to walk the 25 blocks or so to Times Square. It was a great walk and a nice night. (it was in the 70's :D )
On the way I was thinking that I haven't had a real New York Hot Dog in a long time and there's nothing better to top off a great dinner of raw fruits, vegetables and nuts formed into delectable goodness than a common NY Hot Dog, from your friendly Sabrett street vendors of course. I have to admit though, I was a little disappointed. I remember that the thing I loved about the Hot Dogs from the Sabrett vendors is that they would crunch when you bite into them. I don't know why, and I probably don't want to know why, but there would be a very distinct crunch. The crunch was not there, and after 7 years of waiting I was of course very disappointed.
When we got to Times Square, it was probably about 11 at night, but you couldn't tell. The city there is lit up like it's 4 in the afternoon with massive ads all over the place. One thing that our family is sensitive to is advertisements. We don't have TV so our advertisement load is limited to the Internet (which I don't pay that much attention to advertisements on) and billboards. But New York takes advertising to the next level. In Times Square I suppose I expected it, but what really shocked me on this trip was ads on bridges, in subways and anywhere else that is conceivable (or even inconceivable)
We walked around for a little while and went into the massive Virgin Records store, looked around for awhile and decided to make the trek back to Queens. On the way to the Subway, we saw some impressive art. A guy with a can of spray paint was creating some impressive skylines of NY, complete with WTC 1&2. (More on the WTC later) Then we hit the subway and a bus back to Hollis. Anyway that's Day One.
That night we went on a date to a raw food restaurant. The prices were high, but I attribute that partly to the cost of the ingredients and partly to the fact that the restaurant is in a trendy neighborhood in Manhattan. The food was incredible and quite honestly worth every penny. If you're ever in Manhattan and want to try excellent food, go to Pure Food and Wine. After that, we decided to walk the 25 blocks or so to Times Square. It was a great walk and a nice night. (it was in the 70's :D )
On the way I was thinking that I haven't had a real New York Hot Dog in a long time and there's nothing better to top off a great dinner of raw fruits, vegetables and nuts formed into delectable goodness than a common NY Hot Dog, from your friendly Sabrett street vendors of course. I have to admit though, I was a little disappointed. I remember that the thing I loved about the Hot Dogs from the Sabrett vendors is that they would crunch when you bite into them. I don't know why, and I probably don't want to know why, but there would be a very distinct crunch. The crunch was not there, and after 7 years of waiting I was of course very disappointed.
When we got to Times Square, it was probably about 11 at night, but you couldn't tell. The city there is lit up like it's 4 in the afternoon with massive ads all over the place. One thing that our family is sensitive to is advertisements. We don't have TV so our advertisement load is limited to the Internet (which I don't pay that much attention to advertisements on) and billboards. But New York takes advertising to the next level. In Times Square I suppose I expected it, but what really shocked me on this trip was ads on bridges, in subways and anywhere else that is conceivable (or even inconceivable)
We walked around for a little while and went into the massive Virgin Records store, looked around for awhile and decided to make the trek back to Queens. On the way to the Subway, we saw some impressive art. A guy with a can of spray paint was creating some impressive skylines of NY, complete with WTC 1&2. (More on the WTC later) Then we hit the subway and a bus back to Hollis. Anyway that's Day One.
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