23 April 2008

Planned Parenthood

I heard about this on Laura Ingraham's show. It is pretty disturbing.

Where are the Democrats on this. Where is Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson? Where is Barack Obama? Where is the Mainstream Media?

20 April 2008

Oprah's Church

"In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry. (2Timothy 4:1-5)

I'm going to start this by saying that I respect Oprah on many levels. She is one of the few liberals who actually does a lot to give back. She backs up what she believes in by using what she has worked hard for to give back to those who are less fortunate. However, I have to disagree with this. My wife found out about her 'church' and brought it to my attention.

It is no church at all really, but teachings of YOU being God. I really try to tell myself that the times we are living in aren't the literal last days. I know that in God's mind it has been the last days since Jesus was on the earth. But it almost seems like the end will be soon. I know it could be in 10,000 years, but it could be tomorrow. Times are getting scary. America is the last best hope for the world, but it is crumbling internally. Our 'culture' is trying to destroy God. If we make ourselves out to be God, there will be no moral law left. If we are God, who is to stop us from doing whatever we want?

The concept is ridiculous really. If we are God, then how did the universe come to be? Is the universe and all of its perfection the result of an accident? The number of accidents necessary for life to exist on earth are just unimaginable. It has been compared to shooting an arrow at a target on the other side of the universe, and hitting the target...blindfolded. It's quite simply not possible without God. If there is no God, then what was happening before the Big Bang? Was all matter in the entire universe being contained in a tiny speck the size of an atom with nothing to hold it together? Then for some reason it is released and it forms a system that has order and physical laws that can't be broken? (except by the Writer of the laws) If you examine the world around you and the universe, the only logical conclusion is that it was created by God. A God who loves every person, even those who don't love Him. In fact, it is preposterous to believe that it happened by accident.

Oprah comments in the video that she didn't like her preacher when she was 27 or 28 saying that God is a jealous God. Well, yes Oprah, God is a jealous God, but you need to understand the context of when God says this, and what He is referring to. He is not jealous of YOU. He is jealous of other gods. All of the scriptures that refer to God being a jealous God refer to Him being jealous of idols and other gods, not men. (or women) Look how much God loves you. He created everything in the Universe, and the things in this world that are special to you so that you would see how much He loves you. When you worship other gods, He becomes jealous of that. He wants your love in return, and He deserves it.

15 April 2008

Who's out of touch?

I saw this video on Stan Rosenthal's blog, http://tbsn.thesequencers.us/ and he got it from some other blog. Here is my initial feelings upon listening to Barack Obama's explanation of his statements.

Senator Obama,

YOU are out of touch. You talk about the politicization of your words...you're a politician, duh. Your words are going to be politicized. However your pastor, and spiritual mentor, politicizes the gospel. You defend his politicization of the Bible, yet you don't think it's right that your words as a United States Senator who is running for President of the United States ought to be scrutinized politically?

You bash the Bush tax cuts which helped ALL Americans, not just the wealthy. (of which you are a member Mr. Obama) You're against tax cuts, yet high taxes are destroying and have been destroying the industries in the Midwest sending manufacturing jobs overseas. This is where you are focusing your campaign, yet you are out of touch with the root causes of their job losses, and miserable economy. Either you are out of touch or you don't care. Those middle class, blue collar voters you insulted don't need you to patronize them with your half-hearted attempt at an apology. Give a REAL apology. Tell them that you're sorry that you said what you said. Say you didn't mean it the way it came out and that's it. Don't use it as a lead in to attack your political opponents.

You claim that your opponents are out of touch. But where President Bush, John McCain, Hillary Clinton and 98% of congress is out of touch is that most Americans DON'T want higher taxes. They don't want our borders wide open, they don't want a $60 billion trade deficit. They don't want to see a $400 billion budget deficit when the US treasury is taking in record revenues, and they don't want us to lose a war that was started by Radical Islam and that is of vital interest to US national security.

The American people want to see spending reduced. They want government out of our lives, they want borders protected, they want to stop seeing our jobs outsourced and they want to defeat the terrorists and see democracy flourish in the Middle East. They don't want the first amendment minimized to protect all religions except Christianity. They don't want to see freedom of speech impinged upon when it comes to Radical Islam and in our schools and universities.

The American people want real alternative fuels and they want us to use the oil we have in America. Maybe if we weren't importing so much oil from Mexico, we could close off our borders. Maybe then, Americans would get paid enough to do those jobs that 'Americans won't do'. But you and politicians like you don't actually want real solutions do you Senator? You claim to be the candidate of 'Hope', yet you tell young blacks that you attained your wealth and position due to luck. No, you got it by hard work. But you want power, and you want to take care of the people who helped you attain that power. Telling Democrats that they can make it without the government won't keep the votes coming in long term will it? No Senator, you are out of touch. Stop attacking hard working Americans and make a real effort to get in touch.

11 April 2008

Expelled: The First Amendment

I have recently been hearing about a documentary by Ben Stein called 'Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed'. It focuses on how Darwinian Evolution is being taught as fact, and dissension by people who even want to discuss the POSSIBILITY of creation are silenced, run out of universities and trampled by their 'peers'. It's amazing that college used to teach people how to think, now it teaches people what to think, and what it is teaching is in most cases far-left doctrine. The trailer mentions how the greatest minds in science, from Galileo to Einstein and even Darwin operated with some belief in a creator. It is hard to believe that the universe was not created, given the mathematical precision required for the universe to exist as it does.

But Darwinian Evolution as is taught in schools, silences all dissenting views, (much like climate change) and threatens dissenters with firing, failing, criticism and ridicule, all to promote a secular progressive agenda, eroding free speech. What is sad is that the argument FOR Darwinian Evolution has MANY holes in it. It is shaky at best, unlikely and in many cases unbelievable. Yet most of those who believe in creation, do not want to silence those who believe in evolution. In fact many believe (as I do) that evolution has had a significant effect on life as we know it today. Without evolution, plants, animals and microorganisms would not be able to adapt to an ever-changing planet. I believe that not only are the organisms evolving, but so is the planet, the solar system and the universe. I see it as part of an incredibly designed system. God knows what He is doing.

"This is what the LORD says—your Redeemer, who formed you in the womb: I am the LORD, who has made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself" (Isaiah 44:24)

God created all things, and if you don't believe that, it is your right to disagree here in the United States of America. However, those who disagree with me, DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT to silence anyone. You can disagree, that is what America is about. America is about freedom. Let's stop being like those dictatorships that we have been fighting for hundreds of years, and start standing up for freedom again. Let's stand up for our own freedoms, AND the freedoms of those we disagree with.

For more information and to find a theatre near you, go to http://www.expelledthemovie.com/

10 April 2008

What's Wrong With America: Part III - The Merchants of Cool

We heard about the PBS special recently, 'The Merchants of Cool'. You can catch it on YouTube. If you are a parent of teens or even of young children, this should scare your pants off. Children are being targeted and marketed to like never before. Because parenting in this nation is so terrible nowadays we throw money at our kids. We are so busy working to try to pay for our 4000 square foot house that we throw money at our kids instead of spending time with them. We give them cell phones, laptops, iPods, etc. They spend 50 times more time plugged into television and the internet than they do talking to their parents.

But they are not alone. There are people making millions and millions of dollars to figure out how to best target the kids today, so that our kids will spend money on the coolest new thing. But what is cool? Pimps, ho's, drugs, sex, violence. All of this on a scale not seen in a long time. What is cool is always on the edge. Always pushing the limits of our sensibilities. Yet, since we feel bad that we have neglected our children what do we do? We turn a blind eye and give our kids more money so they can buy that new game, gadget or new fashion trend. We let our daughters buy the pants with something written on the butt. Forget the fact that those pants are not made for girls but for guys, so that guys can stare at her butt. You don't worry about that. She knows better right? Your son knows better right? Well Dad, if you haven't been spending time with your daughter, she'll get the male attention that is supposed to come from daddy from anywhere she can get it. If your sons don't have an example of real manhood at home, their example will be 50Cent. Then we ask, 'Why is my daughter pregnant'? Or 'Why does she have an STD'? We ask why our kids don't talk to us.

I personally need to do a better job of spending time with my children. Not just spending a few minutes. I'm talking about REAL, QUALITY time with them. This year has been better, but not as good as it should be. Most Americans need to do the same. If this does not apply to you, the reader, then that is wonderful, I hope it doesn't. But do you know what your kids are doing? Do you know their friends? Are they open with you? If not, spend time with them. They want it, whether they will admit it or not. They need to know that they are accepted by their parents, and the sooner the better. If not, they will search for acceptance elsewhere, and what is being offered by the world is downright scary.

07 April 2008

The Greatest Commandment

Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)

04 April 2008

Where's Patton when you need him?

"We need more Patton, and less patent leather!" - Michael Savage

I couldn't agree more. Political correctness is destroying this country. 40 years ago there was a real need for political correctness and affirmative action, however today America is about as fair as I can imagine it being. While I'm sure that there are pockets in America that still have racial issues, most Americans have moved beyond these issues. I know America is not perfect and I know what it's like to be pulled over for being a young Puerto Rican driving an Acura. I also know what it's like to walk into a store and be followed because I look like I might steal something. But honestly, while these things used to bother me they are no big deal. I wasn't lynched. I don't know what it's like to be beat up for the color of my skin. No one I know has been murdered for whistling at a white woman. (or any person of any race for that matter) While that is part of America's ugly past it is past.

We are in the middle of a war for western civilization. Call it World War III. Or if you like calling the Cold War WWIII, call it WWIV. Radical Islam is dangerous. They do not desire compromise. They are not willing to stop with the pull out of our troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. They want to remove Israel. (who have a much greater historical claim to the land by the way) They want all of Africa, all of Asia, Europe, and what's next? America's move to the left and our compromises with socialism have set us up for defeat by the radical islamists. There are many great men and women in the United States Armed Forces. I have served with many. Many of my friends are still serving. A very good friend, a 'brother from another mother' is in serious danger every day. Personally, I am considering very seriously putting the uniform back on. Honestly, the primary reason is financial, but I feel a pull back to the military. There is something that I miss. I miss working with the greatest men and women in the world. I miss working for people who put my needs before theirs, and I miss taking care of my own soldiers.

I know that there are great men and women in the US Armed Forces. Even though most of our political leaders are self-serving hypocrites, the US military will be there until we are defeated by our politicians. We can not be defeated militarily. But I'm coming back to the quote from Michael Savage. Where is General Patton? You see, Patton didn't buy in to political correctness. He saw a soldier who he thought was weak and slapped him. I don't think he was right for doing that, but he either thought that the soldier was a coward, or he thought slapping him might get him back to being battle ready. Probably number one, but who knows. But he was not afraid to do whatever it took to win the war. He was the one man feared by Hitler and for good reason. Patton's forces inflicted over 8 enemy casualties for every 1 received. In comparison, the rest of the Allied forces received about 1.4 casualties for every enemy casualty inflicted.

When fighting an enemy on foreign soil, you must crush the will of the enemy to resist. What happened in Vietnam and what is happening now is this. Our enemy is not on the same level as us skill wise, but they don't have to be. They simply have to wait us out. They have learned that we will not do whatever it takes to win. In the US Civil War, the North crushed the will of the South. Militarily, the North was stronger yes, but they were fighting on 'enemy' soil. The South merely had to wait the North out. In order to win, the North had to be brutal. This is an unfortunate consequence of war, but wars are won on enemy soil by being far more brutal than who you are fighting. Since we were fighting the Nazi's in WWII, Patton had to be extremely brutal. But scary as it seems, the enemy we face now is more dangerous. General Petraeus has done an excellent job fighting the terrorists in Iraq. But the 'empty suits' in Washington need to get out of the way, and let our military crush the terrorists. It needs to be devastating, and it absolutely CAN NOT be politically correct. If we try to fight a P.C. war, we will lose. But we will not lose it on the battlefield. We will lose it in courtrooms and in Washington D.C.

Washington! America is asking for leadership! Please, stop trying to fight this vermin with good will and crush the head of the snake. Stop fighting the politically correct war, fight ugly and you WILL bring our troops home in a year, but you'll bring them home in victory instead of defeat. Fight like Patton, decimate our enemy, and THEN bring our troops home.

02 April 2008

Is the fair tax right for America???

I recently signed the Fair Tax petition at http://www.fairtax.org/ and am not totally sold on it. However getting rid of the IRS and tax lawyers sounds pretty good to me. If you're reading this and you're one of the honest tax lawyers, or an employee of the IRS, I'm sorry but I think it would be wonderful if you found a new line of work. Again, I don't think the fair tax is perfect, but it is way better than our current system that only taxes honest people and not drug dealers, illegal immigrants and all others who 'work under the table'. It's time everyone, even the criminal elements, pay their fair share of taxes. Anyway, take a look at it, and if you want to, sign the petition by April 15th. They are going to bring the petition before congress and are looking for 100,000 signers. The last I checked they were at 70,000. Have a great day!