22 April 2009

Media Bias

More from the Chicago Tea Party. This is the video that I posted earlier, broken down, with some behind the scenes thrown in as well.

16 April 2009

Chicago Tea Party

I saw this live yesterday during lunch at work and I was stunned. She sticks with the guy who can't articulate his points (which are valid) and she cuts off the guy who can articulate his points, then she has the gall to say dissent is "not family viewing". Does CNN really have to guess why Fox annihilates them in the ratings?

Austin Tea Party

Gosh Governor Perry. You're making me feel all warm and fuzzy. I couldn't make it to the tea party because I had church last night and the logistics would have been pretty crummy. But I'm wishing I could have made it there.

The re-election should be pretty interesting. Perry and Hutchison. It should be a Battle Royale. I like certain aspects of each, and I dislike certain aspects of each.